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What Constitutes Rear-End Collisions?

Rear-end collisions occur when one vehicle collides with the rear of another, typically from behind. These accidents can result from various factors, including distracted driving, tailgating, sudden stops, or adverse weather conditions. The driver who strikes the vehicle in front is typically considered at fault for not maintaining a safe following distance or failing to react in time to a sudden stop, but there can be exceptions. Our car accident compensation attorneys specialize in evaluating the unique circumstances of each case to help victims receive the compensation they deserve.

Possible Reasons for Rear-End Collisions:

  • Distracted driving, such as using a cellphone or eating
  • Tailgating or following too closely behind another vehicle
  • Speeding, which reduces reaction time
  • Impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs, or other substances
  • Sudden stops in traffic or unexpected lane changes
  • Adverse weather conditions, including reduced visibility
  • Fatigue, which can slow reaction times
  • Inexperienced drivers lacking the necessary skills
  • Mechanical failures like brake issues

Common Types of Rear-End Collision Injuries:

  • Whiplash
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Psychological trauma

To schedule a consultation with our rear-end collision lawyers in San Antonio, call our office today.

cars after an accident, contact our rear end collision lawyers in San Antonio today

Who Is Liable for Rear-End Collisions?

In most cases, the driver who rear-ends the vehicle in front is considered liable due to the legal principle that every driver must maintain a safe following distance and be prepared to stop or slow down when necessary. However, exceptions can apply, such as when the lead vehicle makes a sudden, unexpected stop or engages in reckless behavior. To establish liability, it is crucial to gather evidence and witness statements and consult legal experts who can help assess the specific circumstances of your case.

After Rear-End Collisions, You Must:

  • Seek immediate medical attention, even if injuries seem minor.
  • Take photographs of the accident, including vehicle damage, skid marks, and any injuries.
  • Exchange contact and insurance details with the other driver involved.
  • Notify the police and ensure an accident report is filed.
  • Collect statements from any witnesses who may have observed the collision.
  • Keep records of medical bills, repair estimates, and any other relevant documents.
  • Reach out to us for legal guidance and representation from our skilled rear-end collision lawyers in San Antonio. We’re here to assist you.

Rear-End Collisions FAQs

How can I prove the other driver's negligence in a rear-end collision case?

Proving the other driver’s negligence in a rear-end collision case typically involves establishing that they failed to exercise reasonable care and maintain a safe following distance. Key pieces of evidence include photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, the police report, and any available surveillance footage. The fact that you were rear-ended can also be strong evidence of the other driver’s negligence. Our attorneys can help gather evidence, assess liability, and advocate on your behalf.

Can I pursue a personal injury claim after a rear-end collision if I have minor injuries?

Yes, you can pursue a personal injury claim even if your injuries are minor. Injuries resulting from rear-end collisions, such as whiplash or soft tissue injuries, may not manifest immediately and can worsen over time. It’s essential to seek medical attention and consult with an attorney to assess the full extent of your injuries and potential long-term consequences. Our rear-end collision lawyers in San Antonio can help you recover compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages, regardless of the severity of your injuries.

What if the driver who rear-ended me claims it was my fault?

In some cases, the driver who rear-ended you may attempt to shift blame onto you. However, the general presumption in rear-end collisions is that the following driver is at fault. To protect your rights, gather evidence, obtain witness statements, and rely on the police report if it supports your version of events. Our attorneys can help you navigate the legal process, address such claims, and build a strong case to establish the other driver’s liability.

How long do I have to file a personal injury claim after a rear-end collision in Texas?

In Texas, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including those arising from rear-end collisions, is generally two years from the date of the accident. It’s crucial to initiate the legal process within this timeframe to preserve your right to seek compensation.

What damages can I recover in a rear-end collision case?

If you’re the victim of a rear-end collision, you may be eligible to recover various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and, in some cases, punitive damages if the other driver’s conduct was particularly egregious. Contact our expert rear-end collision lawyers in San Antonio to learn more about your options.

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Contact True Law Firm

True Law Firm is more than just a legal practice; we are dedicated lawyers who genuinely care about you and the pursuit of justice. If you’ve been involved in a rear-end collision or any other legal matter, our team is here to help. We offer swift results without compromising settlement value, and our clients maintain one-on-one contact with our attorneys. Schedule a consultation, and let us advocate for you with the passion and commitment you deserve.

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