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What Constitutes Construction Site Accidents?

Construction site accidents encompass a wide range of incidents that occur in the hazardous environment of construction sites. These can include falls from heights, electrocutions, equipment malfunctions, fires or explosions, scaffolding collapses, and even transportation-related accidents involving construction vehicles. Additionally, construction workers can be exposed to hazardous materials, leading to health issues over time. True Law Firm ensures your case is properly evaluated to determine liability and secure the best possible outcome.

Types of Construction Site Injuries:

  • Falls from heights, such as scaffolding or ladders
  • Falls into holes or trenches
  • Trips and slips on uneven surfaces
  • Struck-by objects, including falling tools or materials
  • Vehicle or heavy machinery collisions
  • Electrical accidents, which may involve contact with live wires, electrical burns, or shocks
  • Caught-in or between accidents, such as entrapment in machinery or equipment
  • Overexertion from tasks like lifting heavy objects or repetitive motions
  • Respiratory hazards, like exposure to dust, fumes, or hazardous chemicals
  • Burns and explosions, including fires caused by electrical faults or flammable materials
  • Heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke or exhaustion due to high temperatures
  • Slips, trips, and falls, often caused by uneven surfaces or wet or slippery conditions
  • Noise-induced hearing loss from prolonged exposure to loud machinery or equipment
  • Musculoskeletal injuries, including strains, sprains, and fractures from repetitive tasks
  • Traumatic brain injuries resulting from falls or object strikes to the head
  • Chemical exposure, which can cause skin irritations, burns, or respiratory issues
  • Cuts and lacerations from using sharp tools or handling materials with sharp edges
  • Vision impairment due to exposure to intense light or foreign objects in the eyes
  • Stress and mental health issues, such as work-related stress, anxiety, and depression

Are Undocumented Workers Protected?

Undocumented workers in Texas can find protection under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act, which extends income and medical benefits to employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses. This applies regardless of a worker’s immigration or citizenship status. The law generally safeguards the privacy of undocumented workers by preventing the disclosure of their immigration status during legal proceedings related to workplace injuries, ensuring they have access to the necessary support and compensation in the event of an accident.

After Construction Site
Accidents, You Must:

  • Seek medical attention promptly to assess and treat injuries.
  • Document the accident scene with photographs or notes if possible.
  • Report the incident to your employer or supervisor, ensuring it’s officially recorded.
  • Gather contact information from any witnesses to the accident.
  • Refrain from providing statements to insurance companies without legal counsel.
  • Preserve any evidence related to the accident, such as damaged equipment or clothing.
  • Consult our attorneys to protect your rights and pursue compensation.
  • Keep thorough records of medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs.
  • Follow your attorney’s guidance regarding legal proceedings and negotiations.

Construction Site Accidents FAQs

Should I provide a statement to my employer or their insurance company after the accident?

It’s advisable to exercise caution when providing statements. While you are generally required to report the accident to your employer for record-keeping purposes, you should refrain from giving detailed statements to insurance companies without legal counsel. Insurance adjusters may use your statement to minimize your claim. Consult our attorney before providing any statements to ensure your rights and interests are protected.

What evidence should I preserve after a construction site accident?

To strengthen your legal claim, it’s essential to preserve any evidence related to the accident. This may include damaged equipment or clothing and any photographs or notes you took at the accident scene. Keep records of your medical expenses, lost wages, and any other costs directly related to the accident. These documents serve as valuable evidence when determining the compensation you deserve.

How can I determine liability for a construction site accident?

Determining liability in a construction site accident can be complex and may involve multiple parties, including contractors, subcontractors, equipment manufacturers, and property owners. Our experienced attorneys can help investigate the accident, review safety protocols, and identify responsible parties. Liability may be based on negligence, inadequate safety measures, or a failure to adhere to industry regulations.

Contact True
Law Firm

True Law Firm is a dedicated team of lawyers who truly care about you and the pursuit of justice. We are committed to ensuring swift results without compromising settlement value, and our clients can maintain direct one-on-one contact with our attorneys. We take an aggressive approach to litigation and negotiation, consistently delivering stellar results for our clients. If you’ve been a victim of a construction site accident, schedule a consultation today and let us fight for your rights.

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